About Coach Craig Colasanti
Coach Craig Colasanti
I am a family man with a big heart of gold and a deep desire to help individuals receive the most from themselves, their relationships, and their self-development.
I have been committed to the healing and coaching journey since the 90s. Currently, I help couples understand why their relationship is not where they want it to be and what it will take to have an extraordinary relationship.
I love people, pit bulls, plays, keeping busy exercising, fishing, camping, traveling, and being outdoors.
Craig’s Radical Change Journey
My interest and love for healing introduced me to Ho’oponopono, and I traveled to Wimberly, Texas, for a Dr. Joe Vitale Ho’oponopono Certification event.
My passion for Ho’oponopono helped me connect with Dr. Mary Oz and her Radical Change Coaching Program. I knew instantly that this had been the mentoring and coaching program I was hoping to find.
After completing the Radical Change Healing 90-Day Program, I committed to the year-long Coaching Certification Program and immediately committed to building my Coaching Practice with a strong emphasis on Relationship Coaching!
I am a masterful Relationship Coach and Law of Attraction Coach. I am Certified in Radical Change Coaching and Certified as an Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner.
Fun Fact
When not working, I am often with my pitbull Petey (and sidekick Blue), on my way to help someone, enjoying the outdoors, gardening, traveling, or enjoying the sun and fresh air with a good book.
Reach out to me at 1 (516) 860-7889.